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What could be more fun than picking a love lock and removing it like a cat-burglar! These lock picking tools allow you to master the craft of picking those horrendous, trashy, heart locks that litter our sacred towns and cities. Pick the lock and curse the souls of those who set the lock and you have a double-dose of comeuppance to throw back at the childish sheep who herd together like social-media drones and follow blindly like religious zealots. Pick the love locks and win the fight against conformity!

Package includes: 1 pc cutway padlock +2pcs keys + 12 pcs manganese steel Locksmith crochet hook
  • Package includes: 1 lock + 2 keys + 12 pcs steel Unlocking Lock Pick Set
  • Lock with open chambers on all the moving parts that allow you to see how it work
  • You can see clearly that how the pins work when a key is inserted
  • It will come out in perfect smooth working condition with no loose parts or pins
  • You actually can see the pins moving up and down as the key slides into and out of the lock

Heavy Duty Love Lock Picking Set

  • Brand: MAZU
  • Product Code: locksmith004
  • Note: Love Lock Cutters is part of the Amazon Affiliate Network. We may receive payment for items purchased through the Amazon website.